What is Sibship DNA Test?
A sibship DNA test is a type of genetic test that determines whether two or more individuals are biological siblings by sharing one or both biological parents.
When Do You Need a DNA Maternity Test?
DNA maternity tests are less commonly discussed than paternity tests, but they are just as important and vital in situations where confirming the biological relationship between a mother and child is crucial.
Who Needs A Human DNA Test?
DNA analysis has become an affordable and accessible tool for understanding our genetics, but do you really need a DNA test? From health insights to discovering family heritage, DNA tests can serve various purposes.
How DNA Test is Used to Determine Paternity
Paternity test, which is often sought for legal, medical, and personal reasons, involves analyzing the genetic material of the child and that of the alleged father to establish a biological relationship.
Preservation of DNA for Future Use
Preserving DNA is crucial for various applications, including establishing biological relationships. Whether it's for verifying paternity, tracing ancestry, or identifying remains, maintaining the integrity of DNA samples over time is essential.
What is DNA?
The letters “DNA” stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. DNA is known as the blueprint of life because it directs all the processes that take place in all living things that contain DNA.
Beyond Paternity Part 4
In the last issue, the king had gone to the battle group against his brother’s advice and fought ignoring the signs from his weak bones. Read what happens next.
Beyond Paternity Part 3
After learning of the King and Nwe's dalliance, the queen confronted Nwe. Nwe leaves to her maternal grandmother’s home after the stern warning from the queen. Find out what happens next.
Beyond Paternity Part 2
Remember, King Laku’s wife hasn’t been able to bear a child for him and so he has resorted to turning to a palace maid for help. The palace maid, Nwe, who he begged to have a child for him hesitantly agreed and that night, they got together. What will be the result of this interesting arrangement? Find out more about what will happen with Nwe and the King.