+234 814 741 1921    info@lsdfc.org   48 Broad Street, Lagos, Nigeria




LSD&FC was established in 2017. Only the Forensic DNA and Biology (DFB) section is operational currently. The turnover rates are extremely low in this unit. Phase-2 is ongoing and this involves the establishment of the Forensic Toxicology and Chemistry sections. There are job openings in the Forensic Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry sections. The following are descriptions and educational requirements of our core forensic disciplines. For more information on available opportunities please send an email to info@lsdfc.org.

Forensic Biology

This section utilizes PCR and CE technologies to analyze DNA isolated from biological evidence in order to determine its source. The DNA profile obtained from the evidentiary item is compared to a known source to include or exclude individuals as suspects. Minimum Educational Requirement: B.S. Biology or Biochemistry. Must have taken and passed courses in Molecular Biology (Cell Biology may be substituted based on course structure), Genetics, and Biochemistry. Statistics or Bio Statistics is also preferred.

Forensic Chemistry

This section involves the application chemistry to identify unknown substances recovered from a crime scene. The forensic chemist utilizes such as HPLC, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS to identify unknown materials and compounds. This includes poisons, alcohol, drugs of abuse, narcotics, paint and prescription drugs. Minimum Educational Requirement: B.S. Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry or Biochemistry.

Forensic Toxicology

This section will utilize scientific methods and instruments to analyze human tissue or human body fluid from the Medical Examiner/coroner, law enforcement officers and forensic pathologists. The purpose is to determine the presence, type and levels of controlled substances, poisons, drugs and/or alcohol in anti-mortem and post-mortem samples. Minimum Educational Requirement: B.S. Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biology or Biochemistry.

Lagos State DNA Index System (LDIS) Coordinator

This section manages all casework DNA profiles generated at LSD&FC and the Lagos State DNA Database (LSDD). Minimum Educational Requirement: B.S. Biology or a similar subject. Must have taken and passed courses in Molecular Biology (Cell Biology may be substituted based on course structure), Genetics, and Biochemistry. Statistics or Bio Statistics is also preferred.

Lagos State DNA & Forensic Center (LSD&FC) is a not-for-profit Crime Laboratory established in 2017 by the Lagos State Government to enhance public safety and assist with criminal and civil investigations. LSD&FC is organized under the Lagos State Ministry of Justice as a public-private partnership. It is a dedicated crime laboratory specifically established to help fight crime and make Lagos a safe place to live, work, visit and play.

Find Us

48 Broad Street,
Opposite CMS Bookshop House
Lagos Island,
Lagos, Nigeria

+234 (0) 814 741 1921
+234 (0) 807 553 7342


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