Once you hear the words ‘DNA Testing’, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Paternity right? Well, “DNA Testing” is known as a sure way to establish relationship between individuals. It is also known to have helped tremendously in linking suspects to crime scenes. Today, we won’t be talking about crime scenes, instead, we will be talking about what comes to the mind of an average Nigerian once the word DNA is mentioned – PATERNITY.
It is believed that the rate of paternity fraud in Nigeria is high, and Nigeria ranks second in the world after Jamaica, but experts say this research might have been underreported or exaggerated as it wasn’t carried out on a random population.
A paternity test could be a Peace of mind Test or a Legal Test and one thing that is worthy of note is that a Paternity test is the most reliable scientific approach when a child’s paternity is in doubt.
There are several reasons why a man or woman would demand a paternity test. Some of these reasons include;
– Personal Reasons (Peace of mind Test)
– To establish legal parenthood (Legal Test)
– To obtain custody (Legal Test)
– To obtain child support (Legal Test)
Whatever the reason, Paternity Testing can be done quickly, with no inconvenience as LSDFC is just one call away. Accuracy of results is not something you should be worried about; it is our forte.
Do you have questions? Is there something we can help you with? Please call 08131123820 or send an email to info@lsdfc.org.
Till next week, stay energized.